Transitional Camps
"(The City) began opening the first Transitional Community Camp at 1220 River on Thursday. Tents, hygiene facilities, refuse collection have been put in place and participants began moving in on Thursday and Friday (January 6 and 7, 2022). City staff has been doing outreach and conducting interviews with prospective participants from existing camps at Benchlands, Cemetery, and Depot Park, and determining who will be a good fit for this program model.
The team continues to press on the Salvation Army about completing the contracting process on their end as soon as possible so that we can open the 75-bed shelter at the Armory property. We are pushing them to start in early February, 2022."
~L Imwalle 01.12.2022

"Transitional Community Camps will provide capacity fora totalofbetween 60-80 participants who choose to live communally under a set ofagreed upon values and goals. These sites will be composed of tents with infrastructure for health and hygiene and staffthat provide oversight and help facilitate ‘connections to established outreach services and other human services providers.
The annual cost for this program is estimated at $402,000.00."
~L Imwalle