Bob Lee
Serial Offender Resources

10.12.1957 ~ 10.18.2014
In April of 2014, District Attorney Bob Lee brought County Resources to bear in a collaborative effort between County and City Agencies to address chronic misdemeanant criminal offenders in Downtown Santa Cruz. The catalyst for these programs was born from recommendations in a report submitted to the Santa Cruz City Council by the Public Safety Citizen Task Force in December of 2013.
The intent of this page is to identify and provide information on these programs' origins, charges and current dispositions. As initial plans rarely survive first contact with the enemy, these programs are continually evolving to address strengths, weaknesses, and available assets. Each revision undergoes a program name change (most likely to differentiate itself from its predecessor). I have done my best to present the information on these programs in chronological order, beginning with the program used as the model.
Big Joe 77
DAP: Downtown Accountability Program
PACT: Partnership for Accountability, Connection and Treatment
HOPES: Homeless Outreach Proactive Engagement and Services