Board of State and Community Corrections

Santa Cruz County Jails:
2016-2018 Biennial Report
Note: Blaine St was not in use during the reporting period and was not included in the report.
Types of Local Detention Facilities
(As defined in Title 15, California Code of Regulations, Division 1, Chapter 1, Subchapter 4, Section 1006, Definitions)
Type I facility – used for the detention of persons for not more than 96 hours excluding holidays after booking. May also be used for short-term sentences, depending on local policy.
Type II facility – used for the detention of persons pending arraignment, during trial, and upon a sentence of commitment. These are typically referred to as “county jails.”
Type III facility – a local detention facility used only for the detention of convicted and sentenced persons.
Type IV facility – a local detention facility or portion thereof designated for the housing of inmates eligible under Penal Code Section 1208 for work/education furlough and/or other programs involving inmate access into the community.
Court Holding facility (CH) – a local detention facility constructed within a court building after January 1, 1978, used for the confinement of persons solely for the purpose of a court appearance for a period not to exceed 12 hours.
Temporary Holding facility (TH) – a local detention facility constructed after January 1, 1978, used for the confinement of persons for 24 hours or less pending release, transfer to another facility, or appearance in court.