Form 700s

Statements of Economic Interests: Form 700:
Every elected official and public employee who makes or influences governmental decisions is required to submit a Statement of Economic Interest, also known as the Form 700. The Form 700 provides transparency and ensures accountability in two ways:
It provides necessary information to the public about an official’s personal financial interests to ensure that officials are making decisions in the best interest of the public and not enhancing their personal finances.
It serves as a reminder to the public official of potential conflicts of interest so the official can abstain from making or participating in governmental decisions that are deemed conflicts of interest.
This site is posted and maintained through the Santa Cruz County Clerk's Office and only covers persons working within the boundaries of Santa Cruz County.
When I was with the Grand Jury, I used this site to obtain contact information on persons of interest and potential witnesses. Form 700s have contact information on them. If you are unable to locate the person you would like to contact you might try here.
Big Joe 77