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CZU Complex Fire:
"a picture's worth a thousand words"

How it Started: August 15, 2020 3:00 am

Lightening touched off 10 separate fires. These fires merged on August 17th, extended into both Santa Cruz & San Mateo Counties, and were named: "CZU Complex Fire" by Cal Fire Officials.

In the Beginning, just 591 Firefighters stood in the way of this massive 40,000 acre monster...
They worked in 48hr ON/ 48hr Off shifts...


On day 3, Help began arriving. On August 21st, 5 days into this historic battle, Firefighter ranks swelled 40%. -900 total.

By day 7, 1,349 Firefighters- working 24hrs On/ 24Hrs Off- were able to begin making progress. Reports confirm CZU Complex Fire was 8% contained.

Day 8, August 23rd, 2020: Trouble on the Horizon

Unsung Heroes: many people played a key part in support of Firefighter operations that were not in the direct eye of the public. I'd like to recognize their efforts.

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