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12.14.2021: Implementation of Homeless Response Program


Resolution to Accept a $14-million Appropriation to the City of Santa Cruz from the State General Fund for use in Addressing Homelessness and Description of the Process for Developing Recommendations on how These One-time Funds Will Be Used (CM)


Resolution authorizing the City Manager to accept and appropriate $14 million from the State General Fund for use in addressing homelessness and to accept a report on the process being used to develop recommendations for how these one-time funds will be used.


FY 2022 Budget Appropriation of ARPA Funds (FN)


Resolution amending FY 2022 Budget to appropriate $4,243,659 of American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) funds for Homeless Response Programs.


Homelessness Response Programming Updates, Lease with the National Guard and Contract for Services with the Salvation Army for Shelter Operations at the National Guard Armory, and Support of Grant Application for Homeless Encampment Resolution Funding in Collaboration with the County of Santa Cruz (CM)


1)  Receive recommendations regarding Council-directed homeless response programs and services, including but not limited to lease and sub-lease information regarding the National Guard Armory, and provide additional direction if desired. 

2)  Authorize and direct the City Manager to execute a six-month contract, in a form approved by the City Attorney, with the Salvation Army for shelter management at the Armory in an amount not to exceed $1,200,000.

3)  Resolution supporting the County of Santa Cruz’s grant application to the California Homeless Coordinating and Funding Council (HCFC) for funding through the Encampment Resolution Funding Program and directing staff to collaborate with the County on implementation of the work outlined in the grant.

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